Saturday, December 5, 2009

Rejevenezca or Understanding Cancer Therapies

Rejevenezca (Growing Younger)

Author: Bridget Doherty

Y ahora...

Un plan completo para la mujer que desea rejuvenecer

Si tiene cuarenta y tantos o cincuenta y tantos años de edad, para usted la palabra "envejecer" no tiene el mismo significado que tenía para su mamá o abuela. ¡Qué va! Las mujeres de hoy en día contamos con un arsenal de avances médicos, descubrimientos que paran el reloj en seco. Sin lugar a dudas, usted --igual que millones de mujeres modernas-- puede conservar un aspecto juvenil durante muchos más años que generaciones anteriores. Lo único que necesita es saber cómo hacerlo. Y es precisamente eso lo que aprenderá con este libro.

En Rejuvenezca, los expertos revelan cómo usted puede:

Tonificar su cuerpo aunque sea una mujer de mediana edad
Borrar arrugas y líneas finas
Actualizar su maquillaje para crear un look nuevo y más fresco
Revertir el envejecimiento con suplementos
Vestir con caché y quitarse años
Reavivar el fuego de su vida íntima También aprenderá cómo hacer pequeños cambios en su estilo de vida para prevenir o aliviar muchos de los males que pueden atacar a las mujeres maduras, entre ellos:

Sofocos (bochornos, calentones)
Problemas de la memoria
Colesterol alto
Problemas para dormir bien
Afecciones inmunitarias
Cáncer de mama Y mucho más...

ADEMÁS, ¡leerá las historias personales de mujeres que lograron rejuvenecer!

De Prevention en Españolmagazine, la revista de salud más renombrada del país

Table of Contents:
Parte 1Su plan antienvejecimiento
No aceptaremos avejentarnos2
El menu de la juventud9
La soya: aliada alimenticia23
Las capsulas del tiempo28
El agua: la Fuente de la Juventud40
Llegue a su peso ideal46
El ejercicio aerobico alarga su vida55
La tonificacion: la clave para un cuerpo firme67
Parte 2Luzca 10 anos mas joven
Abajo las arrugas90
Nutrientes que cuidan su cutis102
Tecnicas para maquillarse mejor que nunca111
Revitalice sus ventanas del alma122
Opciones de cirugia estetica130
Ostente una magnifica melena140
Trucos para tener unas unas envidiables147
Utilice el color a su favor151
El vestuario venceanos156
Parte 3El pensamiento antienvejecimiento
10 claves de la mentalidad joven166
Cuidese los sentidos176
Mejore su memoria a cualquier edad183
Adaptese al cambio con facilidad190
Pruebe algo nuevo197
Reavive el fuego de la pasion200
Recursos relajantes para dormir bien208
Parte 4Mejorese y mantengase saludable
Las razones por las que nos enfermamos216
Los secretos de las saludables223
Su mejor defensa233
Tome su salud en sus manos245
Evite las enfermedades253
Parte 5Los mejores defensores de los doctores para males graves y menores
Resfriados, dolor de garganta y gripe274
Herpes labial, labios agrietados y problemas de las encias282
Asma y enfisema291
Enfermedades cardiacas333
Enfermedades de transmision sexual367
Cancer de mama375
Cancer del aparato reproductor389
Cancer del pulmon398
Cancer colorrectal408
Cancer de la piel419
Parte 6Como recuperarse de una enfermedad
Nutra su mente y cuerpo430
Recurra a sus reservas de fuerza interna437
Renueve su espiritu443
Construya un sistema de apoyo449
Tiendas de productos naturales455
Indice de terminos465

Interesting textbook: Dealing with Darwin or The Leadership Practices Inventory

Understanding Cancer Therapies

Author: Helen S L Chan

Cancer is one of the world's most dreaded diseases. Yet the past two decades have seen major revolutions in cancer therapy and steadily growing hopes for a cure. This book, written in easily understood language, provides an extensive look at the way medical professionals are treating the disease today. Chapters provide: Rationale and principles integral to disease management, Biological basis for different therapies, Explanations of the protocols behind radiation, chemotherapy, drug treatments, and surgery, Logic behind therapies chosen for such different kinds of cancer as leukemia, lymphoma, retinoblastoma, hepatoblastoma, germ cell tumors, soft tissue and bone sarcomas, among others, Information on the most current procedures, Further reading and resources for patients and families. Chapters on clinical practice discuss the differing approaches to cancer in adults and in children. The book closes with a survey of some of the most experimental therapies and the status of the search for a cure.

About the Author:
Helen S. L. Chan, M.B.B.S., F.R.C.P.(C), F.A.A.P., of Toronto, Canada, is a staff hematologist/oncologist and professor at the University of Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children

Friday, December 4, 2009

Breathing Spaces or The 7 Most Effective Ways to Jump Start Your Diet

Breathing Spaces: Qigong, Psychiatry, and Healing in China

Author: Pheng Cheah

The charismatic form of healing called qigong, based on meditative breathing exercises, has achieved enormous popularity in China during the last two decades. Qigong served a critical social organizational function, as practitioners formed new informal networks, sometimes on an international scale, at a time when China was shifting from state-subsidized medical care to for-profit market medicine. The emergence of new psychological states deemed to be deviant led the Chinese state to "medicalize" certain forms while championing scientific versions of qigong. By contrast, qigong continues to be promoted outside China as a traditional healing practice. Breathing Spaces brings to life the narratives of numerous practitioners, healers, psychiatric patients, doctors, and bureaucrats, revealing the varied and often dramatic ways they cope with market reform and social changes in China.

Table of Contents:
3Riding the Tiger61
4Qigong Deviation or Psychosis77
5Chinese Psychiatry and the Search for Order107
6Mandate of Science139
7Transnational Qigong159
8Suffering and Healing185

Book review: Den Of Thieves or New American Militarism

The 7 Most Effective Ways to Jump-Start Your Diet

Author: Carmel Berman Reingold

Discover the fabulous fat-blasting strategies that can help you shed pounds quickly and safely in 2 to 10 days!

Juicing—Protein Diets— Water Fasting—The Cabbage Soup Diet— Monodieting—Grazing—The Raw Food Diet.

Discover the Secrets of Safe, Quick (Sometimes Overnight!) Weight Loss

Safe. Fast. Effective. Lose 2 to 14 pounds—and keep it off!

Now you can win at weight loss! Whether you want to slim down for a special event or kick off a long-term diet plan, you'll love these 7 fabulous fat-blasting strategies that can help you shed weight almost instantly. Containing over twenty different diets, this unique guide lets you choose the regimen that best fits your taste, temperament, and lifestyle. And since there are no special foods involved, no calorie counting, and sometimes even no cooking, these jump-start plans are easy to follow. So don't wait. Learn the secrets behind The 7 Most Effective Ways to Jump-start Your Diet:

  • Water fasting—benefits for both body and soul
  • Protein diets—body chemistry changes that let you eat and eat
  • Cabbage soup diet— the heart-healthy approach
  • Juicing—detoxify and cleanse your system while you lose
  • Raw food diets—boost immunity and bust fat
  • Monodieting—the magic of eating only one food
  • Grazing—the little bit that helps you lose a lot

The Argentine diet—No-carb diet—3-day summer fruit diet— Baked potato diet—Grapefruit diet—Plus great recipes and information on supplements, smart eating—And more!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Discovering Homeopathy or Beyond Atkins

Discovering Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century

Author: Dana Ullman

Dana Ullman, one of the leading advocates of homeopathic medicine, has produced a comprehensive, lucid introduction to this branch of complementary medicine, covering the history and the philosophy of homeopathy as well as scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness for a variety of conditions. A detailed discussion of the effectiveness and the limits of homeopathy in the treatment of infectious disease, allergies, chronic diseases, psychological conditions and dentistry, as well as its applications in pregnancy and labor, women's health, pediatrics and sports medicine follows.

Beyond Atkins: A Healthier, More Balanced Approach to a Low Carbohydrate Way of Eating

Author: Douglas J Markham

It's a fact: Not all carbohydrates are bad for you. Unlike Atkins, South Beach, and other diets, Dr. Douglas Markham's breakthrough health plan is a more comprehensive, sustainable, and satisfying program for weight loss and total-body health.

Dr. Doug's signature Total Health Plan features the More Balanced Approach to low-carb meal programs, along with his 30-minute "Fat Burning" Circuit Training Workout™. This groundbreaking book will allow you to discover:

  • the safest, most effective way to follow a low-carbohydrate lifestyle
  • how the kind of food you eat affects your body, your energy level, and your quality of life
  • why fat does not make you fat
  • how healthful eating can replace the need for prescription drugs to treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and adult-onset diabetes

...and much more. This empowering resource can help you to both lose pounds and maintain your weight; improve your eating habits; enhance your self-image; and lead a healthy, balanced life.

Table of Contents:


Foreword by Larry King


Part I: Why the Total Health Plan Works

The Birth of Total Health

Why Other Diets Don't Work

The Low-Fat Diet Myth

How to Combine Foods Correctly

Why Fat Is the Key to Good Health

Heart Health

Part II: Following the Total Health Plan


Reading Food Labels

Low-Carbohydrate and High-Protein Products

Micronutrients: Vitamins and Minerals

Got Water?

Fiber Facts


Part III: Eating Your Way to Total Health

Pulling It All Together

How to Use Your Total Health Menu Options

When You Reach Your Weight Goal

Macronutrient Units Lists

Total Health Protein-Rich, Favorable-Carbohydrate Menu Options

Powerful Tips for Reducing Holiday Food Cravings

Part IV: Exercise: How to Get Started and Why

Why Exercise Is Important

Choosing a Health Club

How to Choose a Personal Trainer

The Principles Behind Circuit Training

The 30-Minute "Fat-Burning" Circuit Training Workout

Part V: Mental Health: Helpful Hints for Happiness

Emotional and Social Well-Being

Intellectual Development

Spiritual Growth

One More Thing

Part VI: Total Health Recipes

Protein-Rich Appetizers and Snacks

Salads and Soups




Protein-Rich Entrées




Fish and Seafood

Vegetarian Protein Entrées

Vegetable Side Dishes


Appendix A: Commit to Health and Happiness

Appendix B: Recommended Products

Appendix C: Exercise Resources

Appendix D: HEALTH Across America Tour



Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eating Habits for Cancer Patients or Praying with Another for Healing

Eating Habits for Cancer Patients: Before, during and after Treatment

Author: Barry Leonard

Helps you learn about your diet needs during treatment for cancer & to help you cope with side effects that may affect eating. Eating the right kinds of foods before, during, & after your treatment can help you feel better & stay stronger. The information reflects the tried-&-true experience of cancer patients & the doctors, nurses, & dietitians who work with them. It is organized in sections that relate to specific stages of cancer treatment. These include: before treatment begins; managing eating problems during treatment; special notes for caregivers; after cancer treatment ends; recipes; special issues; & keeping track of side effects.

Books about: 101 Tips for Staying Healthy with Diabetes or Leaving It at the Office

Praying with Another for Healing

Author: Dennis Linn

An approach to prayer for healing which combines basic information, a twelve session seminar, and additional sessions and techniques.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fibromyalgia For Dummies or Dynamics of Fitness

Fibromyalgia For Dummies

Author: Staud

The pain you suffer from fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is not in your imagination. FMS is a real medical problem that can be as debilitating and demoralizing as it is mysterious. Fibromyalgia For Dummies, Second Edition, brings you the latest scientific findings on the symptoms and causes of this disease and guides you toward proven, practical steps you can take reduce or eliminate FMS-related pain.

This plain-English guide is fully updated with the latest fibromyalgia treatment options, and evaluations of new medications that have shown great promise in reducing pain. You'll discover how to spot an array of symptoms and their possible causes, work with your physician to develop a treatment plan, and manage your pain at home and in the office. You'll learn how to:

• Identify your FMS trigger points

• Cope with chronic pain and sleep problems

• Find medications that work for you

• Locate a physician who can really help you

• Make healing lifestyle changes

• Use hands-on therapies to alleviate pain

• Find effective over-the-counter and prescription medications

• Choose among alternative therapies and treatments

• Reduce the emotional distress caused by FMS

• Help a child with FMS

Featuring moving and inspiring stories from fellow FMS sufferers who share their stories and offer invaluable tips on working your way back to wellness, Fibromyalgia for Dummies, Second Edition offers serious and sensitive guidance to help you overcome FMS and start being yourself again.

Table of Contents:
About This Book2
Conventions Used in This Book2
Foolish Assumptions3
How This Book Is Organized3
Icons Used in This Book5
Where to Go from Here6
Part IFibromyalgia Is the Real Deal: What It Is and Is Not7
Chapter 1Yes, Fibromyalgia Is Real9
Dumping Your Doubts about the Validity of FMS9
Examining the Symptoms, Causes, and Pain Problems Associated with FMS10
Considering Who Gets FMS12
Looking at Related Medical Problems12
Finding a Doctor Who's a "True Believer" in Fibromyalgia13
Treating the Problem14
Making Lifestyle Changes: Pulling Yourself into a Non-Fibro World14
Coping with Fibromyalgia at Home and on the Job15
Do You Have Fibromyalgia? A Self-test17
Chapter 2Recognizing Key Symptoms of Fibromyalgia21
Describing Where It Hurts: Everywhere!22
Feeling Extremely Fatigued24
Facing Fibro Fog: Mental Malaise26
Weathering Your Reactions to Weather27
Dealing with Common Sleep Disorders28
Experiencing Related Medical Problems28
Chapter 3Understanding Possible Causes of Fibromyalgia37
What is for Certain About Fibromyalgia38
Down But Not Out: Physical Trauma38
Catching FMS42
Regarding Gulf War Syndrome45
Studying Chemical Imbalances47
Examining Environmental Causes49
Exploring Other Theories50
Looking to the Future54
Chapter 4Understanding Fibromyalgia Pain55
Grasping Pain and Why People Have to Have It56
Regarding the Different Kind of Pain That's Fibromyalgia58
Working with Your Doctor to Manage FMS Pain59
Part IIFinding Out If You Have Fibromyalgia65
Chapter 5Who Gets Picked to Have Fibromyalgia?67
Looking at the Numbers: Who Has FMS?68
Wondering Why Women Suffer More from FMS than Men68
Considering How FMS Relates to Women's Ages69
FMS and Men: It Isn't Just a Woman Thing71
Chapter 6Identifying Diseases Often Confused with Fibromyalgia73
Understanding the Uncertainty74
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome75
Myofascial Pain Syndrome78
Thyroid Disease84
The Other Suspects86
Chapter 7Working with a Good Fibromyalgia Doc: You Need a True Believer91
Working with Your Primary Care Doctor92
Looking Elsewhere for a Doctor: How to Know if It's Time94
Considering Types of Specialists95
Finding a Good Specialist (Or New Primary Care Doctor)97
Interviewing Your Physician Candidate: What's Up, Doc?100
Chapter 8Getting Physical: Your Initial Exam and Diagnosis103
Diving into Your Medical History: What the Doctor Should Ask You104
Volunteering Info if the Doc Doesn't Ask You105
Getting All Your Questions Out in the Open108
Identifying the Tender Points of Fibromyalgia109
Test-ifying About FMS111
Part IIIGetting to Wellness: How Fibromyalgia is Treated117
Chapter 9Medicating the Problem: Over-the-Counter Drugs May Help119
Examining the Nuts and Bolts of Guaifenesin120
Relieving Pain with Painkillers126
Warming up to Cold Remedies for FMS128
Talking About Topical Remedies129
Chapter 10Prescribing Health with Medications133
Relaxing Your FMS: Muscle Relaxants134
Easing Pain with Painkillers135
Reducing Inflammation: NSAIDs140
Fighting FMS with Antidepressants141
Other Prescribed Medicines for FMS143
Opening Your Eyes to Info on Sleep Remedies146
Thinking About Future Remedies147
Chapter 11Using Hands-On Therapies149
Chilling Out! Icing the Pain149
Heating Up the Problem: Heat Therapy151
Massaging the Problem: Massage Therapy153
An Electrifying Solution: TENS159
Considering Chiropractors161
Chapter 12Considering Alternative Remedies and Treatments163
Thinking Through Alternative Remedies164
Fighting FMS Naturally with Herbs and Supplements165
Pinning Down a Solution: Acupuncture168
Beating FMS with Botox Injections171
Taking On T'ai Chi174
Repelling Magnet Therapy175
Smelling Your Way to Health with Aromatherapy176
Part IVLifestyle Changes: What You Can Do on Your Own177
Chapter 13Depressurizing Yourself: Controlling the Stress-Eyed Monster179
Knowing When You're Too Stressed180
Chilling Out with Relaxation Therapy182
Stress-busting with Biofeedback Therapy184
Mesmerizing the Pain: Hypnotherapy186
Meditating, Doing Yoga, and Praying189
Chapter 14Sweet Dreams! Combating Sleep Disorders191
What is Sleep?192
Understanding the Importance of Sleep Stages193
Identifying Key Sleep Problems195
Analyzing Your Sleep: A Self-test197
Adjusting Your Lifestyle to Cope with the Problem199
Slipping Into Slumber Using Medications and Other Remedies201
Chapter 15Exercising, Losing Weight, and Avoiding Trigger Foods/Drinks205
Exercising to Relieve FMS Pain206
Exploring Pain-Relieving Exercises207
Losing Weight to Decrease Pain and Fatigue214
Discovering Dietary Effects: Good Foods/Bad Foods218
Chapter 16Coping with Emotions: Your Own221
Dealing with Depression222
Determining If Your Problem Is Anxiety223
Taking Your Emotional Temperature224
Finding a Therapist226
Treating Emotional Problems with Medication228
Part VLiving and Working with Fibromyalgia231
Chapter 17Working with Fibromyalgia--Or Going on Disability233
Explaining Fibromyalgia to Your Boss and Coworkers: Should You?234
Deciding Whether You Should Stay at Your Job236
Getting Your Insurance Company to Pay for Treatment238
Taking the Next Step If FMS Is Disabling241
Finding an Attorney to Help You245
Chapter 18Helping Loved Ones Deal with Your Fibromyalgia247
Understanding How Fibromyalgia Can Affect Your Relationships248
Putting Yourself in the Right Frame of Mind249
Opening Up for Some Honest Dialogue250
Anticipating Difficulties251
Knowing How to Respond to "Helpful" Comments252
Helping Your Significant Other Cope253
Explaining FMS to Your Kids255
Joining a Support Group257
Chapter 19Helping Someone You Care About Who's Hurting261
Understanding Without Feeling Their Pain262
Coping with Your Own Emotions267
Going to Support Meetings270
Chapter 20Parenting a Child with Fibromyalgia271
Looking at Fibromyalgia Symptoms in Children272
Accurately Diagnosing the Problem274
Getting Help for Your Child with Fibromyalgia275
Treating a Child with Fibromyalgia275
Including Your Children Who Don't Have Fibromyalgia277
Working with Your Child's Teacher277
Dealing with Jeers from Peers280
Part VIThe Part of Tens283
Chapter 21Ten Ways to Explain Fibromyalgia to Everyone (Even Your Doctor!)285
Chapter 22Ten Must-Dos for Everyone with Fibromyalgia289
Chapter 23Ten Ways to Beat the Effects of Brain Fog295
Chapter 24Ten Myths about Fibromyalgia299
Part VIIAppendixes303
Appendix AGlossary305
Appendix BFibromyalgia Medications309
Appendix CResources and Support315

Read also Spying on Ireland or Becoming Winston Churchill

Dynamics of Fitness: A Practical Approach

Author: George McGlynn

Concise, yet sufficiently comprehensive guide to evaluating and developing a personal fitness regimen to suit individual needs and interests.


Hopper (history, U. of Pittsburgh) traces the life of Kato Shidzue, one of Japan's most powerful female activists and politicians, focusing on her work in the birth control and women's rights movements in the 1920s and 1930s and her career in postwar politics, and exploring her personal life as a wife and mother and her secret liaison with a political labor leader. Includes b&w photos. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (