Saturday, December 5, 2009

Rejevenezca or Understanding Cancer Therapies

Rejevenezca (Growing Younger)

Author: Bridget Doherty

Y ahora...

Un plan completo para la mujer que desea rejuvenecer

Si tiene cuarenta y tantos o cincuenta y tantos años de edad, para usted la palabra "envejecer" no tiene el mismo significado que tenía para su mamá o abuela. ¡Qué va! Las mujeres de hoy en día contamos con un arsenal de avances médicos, descubrimientos que paran el reloj en seco. Sin lugar a dudas, usted --igual que millones de mujeres modernas-- puede conservar un aspecto juvenil durante muchos más años que generaciones anteriores. Lo único que necesita es saber cómo hacerlo. Y es precisamente eso lo que aprenderá con este libro.

En Rejuvenezca, los expertos revelan cómo usted puede:

Tonificar su cuerpo aunque sea una mujer de mediana edad
Borrar arrugas y líneas finas
Actualizar su maquillaje para crear un look nuevo y más fresco
Revertir el envejecimiento con suplementos
Vestir con caché y quitarse años
Reavivar el fuego de su vida íntima También aprenderá cómo hacer pequeños cambios en su estilo de vida para prevenir o aliviar muchos de los males que pueden atacar a las mujeres maduras, entre ellos:

Sofocos (bochornos, calentones)
Problemas de la memoria
Colesterol alto
Problemas para dormir bien
Afecciones inmunitarias
Cáncer de mama Y mucho más...

ADEMÁS, ¡leerá las historias personales de mujeres que lograron rejuvenecer!

De Prevention en Españolmagazine, la revista de salud más renombrada del país

Table of Contents:
Parte 1Su plan antienvejecimiento
No aceptaremos avejentarnos2
El menu de la juventud9
La soya: aliada alimenticia23
Las capsulas del tiempo28
El agua: la Fuente de la Juventud40
Llegue a su peso ideal46
El ejercicio aerobico alarga su vida55
La tonificacion: la clave para un cuerpo firme67
Parte 2Luzca 10 anos mas joven
Abajo las arrugas90
Nutrientes que cuidan su cutis102
Tecnicas para maquillarse mejor que nunca111
Revitalice sus ventanas del alma122
Opciones de cirugia estetica130
Ostente una magnifica melena140
Trucos para tener unas unas envidiables147
Utilice el color a su favor151
El vestuario venceanos156
Parte 3El pensamiento antienvejecimiento
10 claves de la mentalidad joven166
Cuidese los sentidos176
Mejore su memoria a cualquier edad183
Adaptese al cambio con facilidad190
Pruebe algo nuevo197
Reavive el fuego de la pasion200
Recursos relajantes para dormir bien208
Parte 4Mejorese y mantengase saludable
Las razones por las que nos enfermamos216
Los secretos de las saludables223
Su mejor defensa233
Tome su salud en sus manos245
Evite las enfermedades253
Parte 5Los mejores defensores de los doctores para males graves y menores
Resfriados, dolor de garganta y gripe274
Herpes labial, labios agrietados y problemas de las encias282
Asma y enfisema291
Enfermedades cardiacas333
Enfermedades de transmision sexual367
Cancer de mama375
Cancer del aparato reproductor389
Cancer del pulmon398
Cancer colorrectal408
Cancer de la piel419
Parte 6Como recuperarse de una enfermedad
Nutra su mente y cuerpo430
Recurra a sus reservas de fuerza interna437
Renueve su espiritu443
Construya un sistema de apoyo449
Tiendas de productos naturales455
Indice de terminos465

Interesting textbook: Dealing with Darwin or The Leadership Practices Inventory

Understanding Cancer Therapies

Author: Helen S L Chan

Cancer is one of the world's most dreaded diseases. Yet the past two decades have seen major revolutions in cancer therapy and steadily growing hopes for a cure. This book, written in easily understood language, provides an extensive look at the way medical professionals are treating the disease today. Chapters provide: Rationale and principles integral to disease management, Biological basis for different therapies, Explanations of the protocols behind radiation, chemotherapy, drug treatments, and surgery, Logic behind therapies chosen for such different kinds of cancer as leukemia, lymphoma, retinoblastoma, hepatoblastoma, germ cell tumors, soft tissue and bone sarcomas, among others, Information on the most current procedures, Further reading and resources for patients and families. Chapters on clinical practice discuss the differing approaches to cancer in adults and in children. The book closes with a survey of some of the most experimental therapies and the status of the search for a cure.

About the Author:
Helen S. L. Chan, M.B.B.S., F.R.C.P.(C), F.A.A.P., of Toronto, Canada, is a staff hematologist/oncologist and professor at the University of Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children

Friday, December 4, 2009

Breathing Spaces or The 7 Most Effective Ways to Jump Start Your Diet

Breathing Spaces: Qigong, Psychiatry, and Healing in China

Author: Pheng Cheah

The charismatic form of healing called qigong, based on meditative breathing exercises, has achieved enormous popularity in China during the last two decades. Qigong served a critical social organizational function, as practitioners formed new informal networks, sometimes on an international scale, at a time when China was shifting from state-subsidized medical care to for-profit market medicine. The emergence of new psychological states deemed to be deviant led the Chinese state to "medicalize" certain forms while championing scientific versions of qigong. By contrast, qigong continues to be promoted outside China as a traditional healing practice. Breathing Spaces brings to life the narratives of numerous practitioners, healers, psychiatric patients, doctors, and bureaucrats, revealing the varied and often dramatic ways they cope with market reform and social changes in China.

Table of Contents:
3Riding the Tiger61
4Qigong Deviation or Psychosis77
5Chinese Psychiatry and the Search for Order107
6Mandate of Science139
7Transnational Qigong159
8Suffering and Healing185

Book review: Den Of Thieves or New American Militarism

The 7 Most Effective Ways to Jump-Start Your Diet

Author: Carmel Berman Reingold

Discover the fabulous fat-blasting strategies that can help you shed pounds quickly and safely in 2 to 10 days!

Juicing—Protein Diets— Water Fasting—The Cabbage Soup Diet— Monodieting—Grazing—The Raw Food Diet.

Discover the Secrets of Safe, Quick (Sometimes Overnight!) Weight Loss

Safe. Fast. Effective. Lose 2 to 14 pounds—and keep it off!

Now you can win at weight loss! Whether you want to slim down for a special event or kick off a long-term diet plan, you'll love these 7 fabulous fat-blasting strategies that can help you shed weight almost instantly. Containing over twenty different diets, this unique guide lets you choose the regimen that best fits your taste, temperament, and lifestyle. And since there are no special foods involved, no calorie counting, and sometimes even no cooking, these jump-start plans are easy to follow. So don't wait. Learn the secrets behind The 7 Most Effective Ways to Jump-start Your Diet:

  • Water fasting—benefits for both body and soul
  • Protein diets—body chemistry changes that let you eat and eat
  • Cabbage soup diet— the heart-healthy approach
  • Juicing—detoxify and cleanse your system while you lose
  • Raw food diets—boost immunity and bust fat
  • Monodieting—the magic of eating only one food
  • Grazing—the little bit that helps you lose a lot

The Argentine diet—No-carb diet—3-day summer fruit diet— Baked potato diet—Grapefruit diet—Plus great recipes and information on supplements, smart eating—And more!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Discovering Homeopathy or Beyond Atkins

Discovering Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century

Author: Dana Ullman

Dana Ullman, one of the leading advocates of homeopathic medicine, has produced a comprehensive, lucid introduction to this branch of complementary medicine, covering the history and the philosophy of homeopathy as well as scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness for a variety of conditions. A detailed discussion of the effectiveness and the limits of homeopathy in the treatment of infectious disease, allergies, chronic diseases, psychological conditions and dentistry, as well as its applications in pregnancy and labor, women's health, pediatrics and sports medicine follows.

Beyond Atkins: A Healthier, More Balanced Approach to a Low Carbohydrate Way of Eating

Author: Douglas J Markham

It's a fact: Not all carbohydrates are bad for you. Unlike Atkins, South Beach, and other diets, Dr. Douglas Markham's breakthrough health plan is a more comprehensive, sustainable, and satisfying program for weight loss and total-body health.

Dr. Doug's signature Total Health Plan features the More Balanced Approach to low-carb meal programs, along with his 30-minute "Fat Burning" Circuit Training Workout™. This groundbreaking book will allow you to discover:

  • the safest, most effective way to follow a low-carbohydrate lifestyle
  • how the kind of food you eat affects your body, your energy level, and your quality of life
  • why fat does not make you fat
  • how healthful eating can replace the need for prescription drugs to treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and adult-onset diabetes

...and much more. This empowering resource can help you to both lose pounds and maintain your weight; improve your eating habits; enhance your self-image; and lead a healthy, balanced life.

Table of Contents:


Foreword by Larry King


Part I: Why the Total Health Plan Works

The Birth of Total Health

Why Other Diets Don't Work

The Low-Fat Diet Myth

How to Combine Foods Correctly

Why Fat Is the Key to Good Health

Heart Health

Part II: Following the Total Health Plan


Reading Food Labels

Low-Carbohydrate and High-Protein Products

Micronutrients: Vitamins and Minerals

Got Water?

Fiber Facts


Part III: Eating Your Way to Total Health

Pulling It All Together

How to Use Your Total Health Menu Options

When You Reach Your Weight Goal

Macronutrient Units Lists

Total Health Protein-Rich, Favorable-Carbohydrate Menu Options

Powerful Tips for Reducing Holiday Food Cravings

Part IV: Exercise: How to Get Started and Why

Why Exercise Is Important

Choosing a Health Club

How to Choose a Personal Trainer

The Principles Behind Circuit Training

The 30-Minute "Fat-Burning" Circuit Training Workout

Part V: Mental Health: Helpful Hints for Happiness

Emotional and Social Well-Being

Intellectual Development

Spiritual Growth

One More Thing

Part VI: Total Health Recipes

Protein-Rich Appetizers and Snacks

Salads and Soups




Protein-Rich Entrées




Fish and Seafood

Vegetarian Protein Entrées

Vegetable Side Dishes


Appendix A: Commit to Health and Happiness

Appendix B: Recommended Products

Appendix C: Exercise Resources

Appendix D: HEALTH Across America Tour



Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eating Habits for Cancer Patients or Praying with Another for Healing

Eating Habits for Cancer Patients: Before, during and after Treatment

Author: Barry Leonard

Helps you learn about your diet needs during treatment for cancer & to help you cope with side effects that may affect eating. Eating the right kinds of foods before, during, & after your treatment can help you feel better & stay stronger. The information reflects the tried-&-true experience of cancer patients & the doctors, nurses, & dietitians who work with them. It is organized in sections that relate to specific stages of cancer treatment. These include: before treatment begins; managing eating problems during treatment; special notes for caregivers; after cancer treatment ends; recipes; special issues; & keeping track of side effects.

Books about: 101 Tips for Staying Healthy with Diabetes or Leaving It at the Office

Praying with Another for Healing

Author: Dennis Linn

An approach to prayer for healing which combines basic information, a twelve session seminar, and additional sessions and techniques.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fibromyalgia For Dummies or Dynamics of Fitness

Fibromyalgia For Dummies

Author: Staud

The pain you suffer from fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is not in your imagination. FMS is a real medical problem that can be as debilitating and demoralizing as it is mysterious. Fibromyalgia For Dummies, Second Edition, brings you the latest scientific findings on the symptoms and causes of this disease and guides you toward proven, practical steps you can take reduce or eliminate FMS-related pain.

This plain-English guide is fully updated with the latest fibromyalgia treatment options, and evaluations of new medications that have shown great promise in reducing pain. You'll discover how to spot an array of symptoms and their possible causes, work with your physician to develop a treatment plan, and manage your pain at home and in the office. You'll learn how to:

• Identify your FMS trigger points

• Cope with chronic pain and sleep problems

• Find medications that work for you

• Locate a physician who can really help you

• Make healing lifestyle changes

• Use hands-on therapies to alleviate pain

• Find effective over-the-counter and prescription medications

• Choose among alternative therapies and treatments

• Reduce the emotional distress caused by FMS

• Help a child with FMS

Featuring moving and inspiring stories from fellow FMS sufferers who share their stories and offer invaluable tips on working your way back to wellness, Fibromyalgia for Dummies, Second Edition offers serious and sensitive guidance to help you overcome FMS and start being yourself again.

Table of Contents:
About This Book2
Conventions Used in This Book2
Foolish Assumptions3
How This Book Is Organized3
Icons Used in This Book5
Where to Go from Here6
Part IFibromyalgia Is the Real Deal: What It Is and Is Not7
Chapter 1Yes, Fibromyalgia Is Real9
Dumping Your Doubts about the Validity of FMS9
Examining the Symptoms, Causes, and Pain Problems Associated with FMS10
Considering Who Gets FMS12
Looking at Related Medical Problems12
Finding a Doctor Who's a "True Believer" in Fibromyalgia13
Treating the Problem14
Making Lifestyle Changes: Pulling Yourself into a Non-Fibro World14
Coping with Fibromyalgia at Home and on the Job15
Do You Have Fibromyalgia? A Self-test17
Chapter 2Recognizing Key Symptoms of Fibromyalgia21
Describing Where It Hurts: Everywhere!22
Feeling Extremely Fatigued24
Facing Fibro Fog: Mental Malaise26
Weathering Your Reactions to Weather27
Dealing with Common Sleep Disorders28
Experiencing Related Medical Problems28
Chapter 3Understanding Possible Causes of Fibromyalgia37
What is for Certain About Fibromyalgia38
Down But Not Out: Physical Trauma38
Catching FMS42
Regarding Gulf War Syndrome45
Studying Chemical Imbalances47
Examining Environmental Causes49
Exploring Other Theories50
Looking to the Future54
Chapter 4Understanding Fibromyalgia Pain55
Grasping Pain and Why People Have to Have It56
Regarding the Different Kind of Pain That's Fibromyalgia58
Working with Your Doctor to Manage FMS Pain59
Part IIFinding Out If You Have Fibromyalgia65
Chapter 5Who Gets Picked to Have Fibromyalgia?67
Looking at the Numbers: Who Has FMS?68
Wondering Why Women Suffer More from FMS than Men68
Considering How FMS Relates to Women's Ages69
FMS and Men: It Isn't Just a Woman Thing71
Chapter 6Identifying Diseases Often Confused with Fibromyalgia73
Understanding the Uncertainty74
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome75
Myofascial Pain Syndrome78
Thyroid Disease84
The Other Suspects86
Chapter 7Working with a Good Fibromyalgia Doc: You Need a True Believer91
Working with Your Primary Care Doctor92
Looking Elsewhere for a Doctor: How to Know if It's Time94
Considering Types of Specialists95
Finding a Good Specialist (Or New Primary Care Doctor)97
Interviewing Your Physician Candidate: What's Up, Doc?100
Chapter 8Getting Physical: Your Initial Exam and Diagnosis103
Diving into Your Medical History: What the Doctor Should Ask You104
Volunteering Info if the Doc Doesn't Ask You105
Getting All Your Questions Out in the Open108
Identifying the Tender Points of Fibromyalgia109
Test-ifying About FMS111
Part IIIGetting to Wellness: How Fibromyalgia is Treated117
Chapter 9Medicating the Problem: Over-the-Counter Drugs May Help119
Examining the Nuts and Bolts of Guaifenesin120
Relieving Pain with Painkillers126
Warming up to Cold Remedies for FMS128
Talking About Topical Remedies129
Chapter 10Prescribing Health with Medications133
Relaxing Your FMS: Muscle Relaxants134
Easing Pain with Painkillers135
Reducing Inflammation: NSAIDs140
Fighting FMS with Antidepressants141
Other Prescribed Medicines for FMS143
Opening Your Eyes to Info on Sleep Remedies146
Thinking About Future Remedies147
Chapter 11Using Hands-On Therapies149
Chilling Out! Icing the Pain149
Heating Up the Problem: Heat Therapy151
Massaging the Problem: Massage Therapy153
An Electrifying Solution: TENS159
Considering Chiropractors161
Chapter 12Considering Alternative Remedies and Treatments163
Thinking Through Alternative Remedies164
Fighting FMS Naturally with Herbs and Supplements165
Pinning Down a Solution: Acupuncture168
Beating FMS with Botox Injections171
Taking On T'ai Chi174
Repelling Magnet Therapy175
Smelling Your Way to Health with Aromatherapy176
Part IVLifestyle Changes: What You Can Do on Your Own177
Chapter 13Depressurizing Yourself: Controlling the Stress-Eyed Monster179
Knowing When You're Too Stressed180
Chilling Out with Relaxation Therapy182
Stress-busting with Biofeedback Therapy184
Mesmerizing the Pain: Hypnotherapy186
Meditating, Doing Yoga, and Praying189
Chapter 14Sweet Dreams! Combating Sleep Disorders191
What is Sleep?192
Understanding the Importance of Sleep Stages193
Identifying Key Sleep Problems195
Analyzing Your Sleep: A Self-test197
Adjusting Your Lifestyle to Cope with the Problem199
Slipping Into Slumber Using Medications and Other Remedies201
Chapter 15Exercising, Losing Weight, and Avoiding Trigger Foods/Drinks205
Exercising to Relieve FMS Pain206
Exploring Pain-Relieving Exercises207
Losing Weight to Decrease Pain and Fatigue214
Discovering Dietary Effects: Good Foods/Bad Foods218
Chapter 16Coping with Emotions: Your Own221
Dealing with Depression222
Determining If Your Problem Is Anxiety223
Taking Your Emotional Temperature224
Finding a Therapist226
Treating Emotional Problems with Medication228
Part VLiving and Working with Fibromyalgia231
Chapter 17Working with Fibromyalgia--Or Going on Disability233
Explaining Fibromyalgia to Your Boss and Coworkers: Should You?234
Deciding Whether You Should Stay at Your Job236
Getting Your Insurance Company to Pay for Treatment238
Taking the Next Step If FMS Is Disabling241
Finding an Attorney to Help You245
Chapter 18Helping Loved Ones Deal with Your Fibromyalgia247
Understanding How Fibromyalgia Can Affect Your Relationships248
Putting Yourself in the Right Frame of Mind249
Opening Up for Some Honest Dialogue250
Anticipating Difficulties251
Knowing How to Respond to "Helpful" Comments252
Helping Your Significant Other Cope253
Explaining FMS to Your Kids255
Joining a Support Group257
Chapter 19Helping Someone You Care About Who's Hurting261
Understanding Without Feeling Their Pain262
Coping with Your Own Emotions267
Going to Support Meetings270
Chapter 20Parenting a Child with Fibromyalgia271
Looking at Fibromyalgia Symptoms in Children272
Accurately Diagnosing the Problem274
Getting Help for Your Child with Fibromyalgia275
Treating a Child with Fibromyalgia275
Including Your Children Who Don't Have Fibromyalgia277
Working with Your Child's Teacher277
Dealing with Jeers from Peers280
Part VIThe Part of Tens283
Chapter 21Ten Ways to Explain Fibromyalgia to Everyone (Even Your Doctor!)285
Chapter 22Ten Must-Dos for Everyone with Fibromyalgia289
Chapter 23Ten Ways to Beat the Effects of Brain Fog295
Chapter 24Ten Myths about Fibromyalgia299
Part VIIAppendixes303
Appendix AGlossary305
Appendix BFibromyalgia Medications309
Appendix CResources and Support315

Read also Spying on Ireland or Becoming Winston Churchill

Dynamics of Fitness: A Practical Approach

Author: George McGlynn

Concise, yet sufficiently comprehensive guide to evaluating and developing a personal fitness regimen to suit individual needs and interests.


Hopper (history, U. of Pittsburgh) traces the life of Kato Shidzue, one of Japan's most powerful female activists and politicians, focusing on her work in the birth control and women's rights movements in the 1920s and 1930s and her career in postwar politics, and exploring her personal life as a wife and mother and her secret liaison with a political labor leader. Includes b&w photos. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Taijiquan Classics or Caring for Kids

Taijiquan Classics: An Annotated Translation

Author: Barbara Davis

Along with Chinese art, medicine, and philosophy, taijiquan has left the confines of its original culture, and offers health, relaxation, and a method of self-defense to people around the globe. Using the early texts now known as The Taijiquan Classics which have served as a touchstone for t’ai chi practitioners for 150 years, this book explores the fundamental ideas and what they mean to practitioners, students, and scholars. It also incorporates newly discovered sources that address the history of taijiquan and newly translated commentaries by Chen Weiming.

Table of Contents:
List of Illustrations
A Brief History of Taijiquan3
The History of the Taijiquan Classics25
The Language and Literature of the Taijiquan Classics49
The Ideas of the Taijiquan Classics59
Taijiquan Jing75
Taijiquan Treatise77
Exposition of Insights into the Thirteen Postures79
Thirteen Postures Song81
Playing Hands Song83
Taijiquan Jing87
Taijiquan Treatise102
Exposition of Insights into the Thirteen Postures121
Thirteen Postures Song143
Playing Hands Song150
App.: Chinese Texts153

Look this: Color Atlas of Allergic Diseases or Pilates Step by Step

Caring for Kids: The Complete Guide to Children's Health

Author: Norman Saunders

A crucial reference and guide for parents, written by a team of renowned experts.

Caring for Kids is a comprehensive and up-to-date reference to health and wellness in children from birth to age ten. Written by a team of world famous physicians from Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children, this in-depth book cites medically sound advice backed up with cutting-edge research. The authors provide information on conditions that affect children by answering three basic questions:

  • What is the condition?

  • What can parents expect to happen?

  • How should the problem be treated?

Topics discussed include:

  • Common symptoms

  • Childhood infections

  • Growth and nutrition

  • Allergic disorders

  • Sleep and behavior problems

  • Genetic and metabolic diseases

  • Blood diseases and immune disorders

  • Neurological and muscle problems

  • Eye problems, ear, nose, and throat problems

  • Heart and circulatory problems

  • Gastrointestinal problems

  • Skin conditions

  • Accidents and emergencies.

Caring for Kids is written in a thoughtful, compassionate, and straightforward style, and will become the indispensable reference for every parent and caregiver.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Close to Me but Far Away or Miracle Method

Close to Me, but Far Away: Living with Alzheimer's

Author: Burton M Wheeler

"Burton Wheeler started writing this book as a form of self-therapy when he found himself thrust into the role of caretaker to his wife - a role for which he felt unprepared. He wrote in memory of the very special woman his wife had been - a wonderful mother, charming and gracious, as well as a deeply respected psychotherapist. She was also his best friend, and he loved her. So, to some degree, this story is a love story - a story about two people who have shared life's ups and downs for over 50 years. It's also about commitment." "In Close to Me, but Far Away, Burt Wheeler provides insight into what a caregiver's day is like, as he shares his most intimate thoughts with us. The book provides a window into the author's personal life as he seeks to confront his own ineptitude and the occasional despair he feels as he deals daily with Alzheimer's. He also touches on the question of what keeps him going through times of exhaustion and frustration. Part of his answer lies in holding tenaciously to memories, and part lies in what he believes is a human's extraordinary capacity to continue plodding along simply because he must. Wheeler also believes in rejoicing in the beauty that can be experienced, and he believes in humor, humor achieved only by distancing ourselves from the events that so deeply engage us. And, of course, there is also the indefinable nature of love." Alzheimer's is a terrifying and horrible disease, as much for loved ones as for the patient. Those who are caregivers or friends of Alzheimer's patients or caregivers will empathize with and perhaps find comfort in Burton Wheeler's story. Because Alzheimer's is a disease that could affect anyone, Close to Me, but Far Away is a story from which we can all learn.

Book about: Hot Spot or Take This Job and Ship It

Miracle Method: A Radically New Approach to Problem Drinking

Author: Scott D Miller

From that "first thing," the authors help readers to imagine a future where drinking is not a problem and to specify small, concrete, obtainable goals that will make that future a reality. Neither the humiliation of "hitting bottom" nor a lifetime commitment to AA is necessary to make this approach work. Instead the individual learns to recognize exceptions (times when drinking is not a problem), catch himself "doing things right," handle setbacks, and revise the "miracle picture" when things aren't working. Highly practical, The Miracle Method is a radically new and effective approach to problem drinking.

Library Journal

Miller, who practices solution-oriented therapy in Milwaukee and Chicago, and Berg, director of the Brief Family Therapy Center in Milwaukee, offer a new way to lick liquor.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Uninsured in America or Great Feet for Life

Uninsured in America: Life and Death in the Land of Opportunity

Author: Susan Starr Sered

Uninsured in America goes to the heart of why more than forty million Americans are falling through the cracks in the health care system, and what it means for society as a whole when so many people suffer the consequences of inadequate medical care. Based on interviews with 120 uninsured men and women and dozens of medical providers, policymakers, and advocates from around the nation, this book takes a fresh look at one of the most important social issues facing the United States today. A new afterword updates the stories of many of the people who are so memorably presented here.

Table of Contents:
Prologue : Loretta and Greg's story
Introduction : the death spiral1
1From working class to working poor : the death of industry in America's heartland21
2Medicaid, welfare reform, and low-wage work in the new economy40
3Family matters : divorce and domestic violence57
4Who cares for the caregivers? : love as a portal into the death spiral72
5The fox guarding the henhouse : work-related injuries and the vagaries of workers' compensation86
6Risky business : the self-employed, small business owners, and other American entrepreneurs107
7Young, sick, and part-time : the vulnerability of youth and the new American job market122
8Mental health matters : a Mexican immigrant hits the bureaucratic wall140
9Race matters : health care stories from Black America152
10Descent through the death spiral163
11Moving forward184
App. 1A primer on the U.S. health care system and the safety net195

Interesting book: Éthique D'affaires :Partie prenante et Approche de Direction d'Éditions

Great Feet for Life: Footcare and Footwear for Healthy Aging

Author: Paul Langer

Shows how better footcare can help seniors extend their enjoyment of golf and other active pursuits.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ageless Spine Lasting Health or Vistete para triunfar

Ageless Spine, Lasting Health: The Open Secret to Pain-Free Living and Comfortable Aging

Author: Kathleen Porter

Ageless Spine, Lasting Health clearly illustrates just how the body is designed to really work and what true fitness and graceful aging can look like when you simply sit, stand, bend, walk, lift, reach and even sleep in a natural way. Genuine, natural strength is more about "working in" rather than "working out," and this book will show you how.

Interesting textbook: Direzione della Fuori-de--Scatola

Vistete para triunfar

Author: Hada Maria Morales

El mercado de trabajo es muy dinamico y muchas personas no logran encontrar empleos por falta de preparacion, no solo en el area academica sino porque no comprenden lo que el empleador piensa o desea. Vistete para triunfar se enfoca en pasos sencillos que usted puede seguir y asi aprovecharse de estas ventanas de oportunidad. La autora Hada Maria comparte tres elementos de profesionalismo: la actitud, la apariencia y la preparacion para luego explicar que la clave es combinarlas y usarlas sabiamente. No hay uno de esos elementos que sea superior al otro; cada uno de ellos necesita el apoyo de los otros para poder conseguir el resultado deseado. Este libro expresa los temas fascinantes y casi incontables del proceso de una busqueda de trabajo, el "arte" de una entrevista, de trabajo exitosa y de aprender a pensar como un empleador.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chi Nei Tsang or Eat Fat Lose Weight

Chi Nei Tsang: Chi Massage for the Vital Organs

Author: Mantak Chia


The techniques of Chi Nei Tsang evolved in Asia during an era when few physicians were available and people had to know how to heal themselves. Many people today have symptoms that modern medicine is not able to cure because a physical source for the problem is not easily found. The energies of negative emotions, stress, and tension--all common in modern life--and the weight of past illnesses accumulate in the abdominal center, causing energy blockages and congestion. When this occurs, all vital functions stagnate and myriad problems arise. By practicing the techniques of Chi Nei Tsang, this stagnation is removed and the vital organs surrounding the navel center are detoxified and rejuvenated.

Master Chia teaches readers how to take full charge of their health using the self-healing techniques of Chi Nei Tsang. He offers fully illustrated exercises that show how to detoxify the internal organs and clear the energy (chi) channels throughout the body. He also presents methods for balancing emotions, managing stress, and observing the body in order to recognize, ameliorate, and prevent maladies before they become a problem.

A student of several Taoist masters, MANTAK CHIA founded the Universal Healing Tao System in 1979 and has taught and certified tens of thousands of students and instructors from all over the world. He is the director of the Tao Garden Integrative Medicine Health Spa and Resort training center in northern Thailand and is the author of twenty-six books, including the bestselling The Multi-Orgasmic Man.

New interesting book: Tax Research or Public Education

Eat Fat, Lose Weight

Author: Ann Louise Gittleman

Ann Louise Gittleman, bestselling author of Beyond Pritikin and The 40/30/30 Phenomenon helps us establish which fats are good for us, how much we need and which ones we should eat daily to help us burn fat and keep weight off. An easy weight loss and maintenance program to balance our diets naturally and safely is included.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fitness Weight Training or Weights on the Ball Workbook

Fitness Weight Training

Author: Thomas R Baechl

Make every minute in the weight room count. Fitness Weight Training will help you maximize the results you're seeking from each workout session.

75 detailed workouts designed specifically for strengthening, toning, and shaping ensure that your muscles will develop as you desire. The selection of workouts allows you to fit the optimal training session into the time, energy, and equipment available.

Take the guesswork out and put confidence into every workout. Make Fitness Weight Training your workout manual for toned and well-defined muscles.

What People Are Saying

Wayne L. Westcott PhD
Wayne L. Westcott, PhD, CSCS Fitness research director, South Shore YMCA
Tom Baechle and Roger Earle are the most qualified and experienced strength training experts in the fitness field. Their clear presentation and well-planned and progressive workout charts take the guesswork out of strength training. Use their outstanding exercise sequences to achieve a high level of muscular fitness.

New interesting book: Defending Access or Tactical 1911

Weights on the Ball Workbook: Step-by-Step Guide with over 350 Photos

Author: Steve Stiefel

Weights are great for working the arms and upper body, and the exercise ball produces exceptional results in the core abs and lower body. With exercises suited for all skill levels, Weights on the Ball Workbook shows how to simultaneously use both pieces of equipment for the ultimate total-body workout.

Just sitting on a bench while performing arm curls leaves abdominals doing virtually nothing and leg muscles completely relaxed. Sit balanced on the ball while doing those same curls and a simple arm movement explodes into a total-body exercise as the mid- and lower-body stabilizer muscles are forced to work equally hard. Weights on the Ball Workbook teaches combination exercises like seated curls as well as dozens of specially designed movements that fully utilize the potential of this unique equipment tandem.

In addition to programs that are easily tailored to individual fitness levels, Weights on the Ball Workbook describes proper training methods and explains how to achieve specific goals by varying the workout and carefully monitoring the number of repetitions. Last but not least, the author shows how to have fun and enjoy a workout that produces results in half the time of a traditional workout.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Vocal Arts Medicine or In a Tangled Wood

Vocal Arts Medicine

Author: Michael Benninger

This volume brings the art and science of voice-care into a reference format for all those involved with professional care. To this end, otolaryngologists, speech-language pathologists, teachers and performers of music and psychologists have written this text to: introduce the scope of professional-voice care; discuss the need for an understanding of the anatomy, physiology and art of voice-use; identify the resources available to deliver this care; and introduce the future of vocal arts medicine. The book begins with a section describing the anatomy and physiology of voice production. This is followed by specific evaluation strategies for professional-voice disorders. The last section is concerned with categorizing the disorders, and discussing various prevention and treatment strategies—including surgery.


A reference on the art and science of voice care, for those who are involved with professional voice care. Otolaryngologists, speech- language pathologists, teachers and performers of music, and psychologists introduce the scope of professional voice care, discuss the need for an understanding of the anatomy, physiology, and art of voice use, identify the resources available to deliver this care, and introduce the future of vocal arts medicine. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Table of Contents:
1Vocal Arts Medicine: Historical and Future Perspectives1
2Gross and Microscopic Anatomy of the Larynx11
3Physiology of Phonation30
4The Mechanics of Singing: Coordinating Physiology and Acoustics in Singing61
5Professional Voice Users: Obtaining the History72
6The Multidisciplinary Voice Clinic79
7The Medical Examination86
8Clinical Voice Assessment97
9Assessment of the Singing Voice112
10Objective Voice Analysis: The Clinical Voice Laboratory135
11Disorders of Speaking in the Professional Voice User153
12Disorders of Singing163
13The Professional Speaking Voice169
14Medical Disorders in the Vocal Artist177
15Medications and Their Effects on the Voice216
16Voice Education and Health Care for Young Voices226
17The Aging Voice269
18Performance Anxiety281
19The Speech-Language Pathologist's Role in the Management of the Professional Voice291
20Multidisciplinary Approach to Treatment318
Appendix A356
Appendix B361

Books about: Pilaf Pozole and Pad Thai or Bread Reflections and Family Distractions

In a Tangled Wood: An Alzheimer's Journey

Author: Joyce Dyer

Joyce Dyer's moving and compassionate memoir offers readers a rare and authentic glimpse into the world and culture of an Alzheimer's special care unit. Although her mother, Annabelle Coyne, is the central focus, we come to know an entire group of people, each in various stages of Alzheimer's disease and each affected in a different way by its ravages. We meet Benny, Tanglewood's sex maniac who wears bowling suspenders; Kathleen, lover of gourmet coffees and former opera singer; Carolyn, the nurse who calms patients with the trill of her flute; and Angie, the activity director who brings her green parakeet to work and organizes mock weddings and August beach parties. Through the residents of the unit, and through the staff that cares for them, we learn about Alzheimer's disease, and about the boundlessness of the human spirit. Dyer offers no cure for Alzheimer's disease within these pages, but she does discover wonder and hope. This is a powerful book, filled with pain and sadness, but one that demonstrates the irony that this devastating disease can offer occasion for joy and laughter as well.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Rejuvenation or Beyond Pepper Spray

Rejuvenation: Strategies for Living Younger, Longer & Better

Author: Joe Slat

Rejuvenation presents 45 anti-aging strategies, many of which were developed by the author in a research laboratory setting. These age-defying strategies will empower you to increase the length and quality of your life by protecting and fortifying your own innermost energy system.

Rejuvenation also includes a CD featuring meditations and exercises from the seven-day plan. Activate your internal fountain of youth and look forward to many more years of health and happiness!

Table of Contents:
Author's Notesix
1Rejuvenation and the Energies of Life1
2Stress and Rejuvenation15
3Hypnosis and Rejuvenation33
4Sleep and Rejuvenation61
5Rejuvenation and Higher Plane Interactions71
6Astral Projection and Rejuvenation87
7Rejuvenation and the Human Aura109
8Rejuvenation Tools131
9Rejuvenation Through Nature161
10A Seven-Day Rejuvenation Plan175
Suggested Reading213

Interesting textbook: Straight Scoop about Dieting or Raising a Child with Diabetes

Beyond Pepper Spray: The Complete Guide To Chemical Agents, Delivery Systems, And Protective Masks

Author: Michael E Conti

Veteran police officer Michael Conti presents the first complete coverage of chemical agents and equipment from the perspective of a street cop. In one comprehensive volume, readers can quickly and easily find pertinent information about modern chemical agents, how they are deployed, their effects and state-of-the-art protective gear. It includes the most common chemical agent weapons (from OC spray to gas launchers to thermal fogging systems), specialty impact munitions and military-class chemical agent weapons (from blood and blister agents to deadly nerve agents), as well as a concise history of their development and use. This allows the reader to better understand the role these devices have played in the past and the role they may play in the coming years, both by law enforcement agencies and terrorist organizations. This is a must-read for law enforcement, military and security personnel, or anyone with a responsibility for, or concern about, the use of chemical agents. Especially timely now is the section on how to ensure personal safety in the event of a chemical attack.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Health or Radical Grace


Author: Mildred Blaxter

This book provides a comprehensive and highly readable introduction to the key debates surrounding the concept of health today. It discusses how health is defined, constructed, experienced and acted out in contemporary developed societies, drawing on a range of empirical data and theoretical approaches from the USA, Britain, France, Germany and other countries. Throughout the text special emphasis is given to the lay perspective to show how people themselves think about and experience health and illness. The author guides students through all the relevant conceptual models of the relationship of health to the structure of society, from inequality in health to the ideas of social capital, the risk society and theories of evolutionary biology. The book concludes with a thought-provoking discussion of the impact of new knowledge and technology on our understanding of health and illness in the contemporary world. Health will be an invaluable textbook for students of medicine and other health professions, as well as those studying sociology, health sciences and health promotion.

Table of Contents:
1How is health defined?4
2How is health constructed?26
3How is health experienced?45
4How is health enacted?71
5How is health related to social systems?91
6Where is the concept of health going in the contemporary world?122

Look this: The Chronic Pain Management SourceBook or Child Safety

Radical Grace: How Belief in a Benevolent God Benefits Our Health

Author: J Harold Ellens

The esteemed editor who brought is the acclaimed set The Destructive Power of Religion, 4 volumes, turns his attention here to a similarly powerful yet positive side of religion - how our concept of God can fuel healthy body and mind. This book contends all health - mental and physical - is shaped, for good or ill, by our spiritual, theological and psychological notions about the nature of God, and by the way we form an outlook on life as a result of these notions. Across history, a large percentage of notions people have about God are that He is a threat, and among what Ellens describes as "sick Gods created through pathological beliefs," or "sick Gods that make sick people." But Ellens grounds his brighter perspective in this text on God as a source of unconditional grace and goodwill, then illuminates the affect this perspective has on people who have incorporated it into their minds and lives.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Insulin Resistance or Exercise for Older Adults

Insulin Resistance: The Metabolic Syndrome X, Vol. 12

Author: Gerald M Reaven

In Insulin Resistance: The Metabolic Syndrome X, outstanding investigators thoughtfully summarize our current understanding of how insulin resistance and its compensating hyperinsulinemia (Syndrome X) play a major role in the pathogenesis and clinical course of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease - the so-called diseases of Western civilization - as well as polycystic ovary disease. Under the aegis of Gerald Reaven, the discoverer of Syndrome X, the distinguished authorities writing here detail for the first time the pathophysiological consequences and the clinical syndromes, excluding Type 2 diabetes, related to insulin resistance. They also examine the genetic and lifestyle factors that contribute to the wide differences in insulin action that exist in the population at large. Each author has been encouraged to present a point of view that reflects their unique insights.

New England Journal of Medicine

This book is an excellent and useful compendium of information about this rapidly moving field. It will be an essential addition to the libraries of those interested in any of the disorders linked to this prevalent metabolic state.

David A. Ehrmann

This volume in the Contemporary Endocrinology Series is a multiauthored text designed to summarize the current understanding of the importance of insulin resistance, particularly as it relates to non-diabetic states. The purpose is to provide the reader with information about the importance of insulin resistance in non-diabetic states. It is appropriate for any clinician or investigator who encounters adult patients. The spectrum of metabolic disturbances associated with insulin resistance is broad, making this book appealing to generalists as well as subspecialists. This book is structured in three parts. Part one covers genetic and environmental factors affecting insulin action; part two covers the pathophysiology of insulin resistance; and part three deals with clinical syndromes associated with insulin resistance. This book is particularly useful in that it bridges the gaps in what is known about the fundamental elements of insulin action and the clinical sequelae. For example, the complexities of the relationship between obesity and insulin resistance are clearly handled. This is an excellent and welcome addition to the field: concise, clearly written, and current.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer: David A. Ehrmann, MD (University of Chicago Medical Center)
Description: This volume in the Contemporary Endocrinology Series is a multiauthored text designed to summarize the current understanding of the importance of insulin resistance, particularly as it relates to non-diabetic states.
Purpose: The purpose is to provide the reader with information about the importance of insulin resistance in non-diabetic states.
Audience: It is appropriate for any clinician or investigator who encounters adult patients. The spectrum of metabolic disturbances associated with insulin resistance is broad, making this book appealing to generalists as well as subspecialists.
Features: This book is structured in three parts. Part one covers genetic and environmental factors affecting insulin action; part two covers the pathophysiology of insulin resistance; and part three deals with clinical syndromes associated with insulin resistance. This book is particularly useful in that it bridges the gaps in what is known about the fundamental elements of insulin action and the clinical sequelae. For example, the complexities of the relationship between obesity and insulin resistance are clearly handled.
Assessment: This is an excellent and welcome addition to the field: concise, clearly written, and current.


Reaven, who discovered Syndrome X, assembles summaries of the current understanding of how insulin resistance and its compensating hyperinsulinemia play a major role in the pathogenesis and clinical course of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and polycystic ovary syndrome. They detail the pathophysiological consequences and the clinical syndromes besides Type 2 diabetes that are related to insulin resistance, and explore the genetic and lifestyle factors that contribute to the wide differences in insulin action that exist in the population at large. Of interest to both researchers and clinicians. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.


3 Stars from Doody

Table of Contents:
Pt. IGenetic and Environmental Factors Affecting Insulin Action
1Genetics of Insulin Resistance3
2Ethnic Variation in Insulin Resistance and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes19
3Fetal Effects on Insulin Resistance and Glucose Tolerance35
4Obesity and Insulin Resistance: Epidemiologic, Metabolic, and Molecular Aspects51
5The Role of Body Fat Distribution in Insulin Resistance83
6Physical Activity and Insulin Resistance in Man97
7Insulin Resistance in Smokers and Other Long-Term Users of Nicotine121
Pt. IIPathophysiology of Insulin Resistance
8Insulin Resistance and Inhibitors of Insulin Receptor Tyrosine Kinase139
9NMR Studies on the Mechanism of Insulin Resistance159
10Skeletal Muscle Insulin Resistance in Humans: Cellular Mechanisms179
11The Role of the Liver in Insulin Action and Resistance197
12The Pathophysiological Consequences of Adipose Tissue Insulin Resistance233
13Insulin Action and Endothelial Function247
Pt. IIIClinical Syndromes Associated with Insulin Resistance
14Insulin Resistance and Dyslipidemia: Implications for Coronary Heart Disease Risk267
15Insulin Resistance and Blood Pressure281
16Microalbuminuria and Insulin Resistance309
17PAI-I, Obesity, and Insulin Resistance317
18Insulin Resistance and Cardiovascular Disease333
19Insulin Resistance Effects on Sex Hormones and Ovulation in the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome347

Interesting textbook: Adventures in Social Research or Crystal Reports 85

Exercise for Older Adults: Ace's Guide for Fitness Professionals

Author: American Council on Exercis

Exercise for Older Adults: ACE's Guide for Fitness Professionals offers the essential information fitness professionals need to provide older adults with safe and effective fitness programming, from the physiology of aging to the techniques and tools for motivating and communicating with older adults. Personal trainers, activity directors, health educators and fitness facility managers are among those who will benefit from this valuable resource.


...A complete overview of basic meet older adults' special fitness needs....contains many helpful tables and is introduced with an overview of tis contents....An extensive glossary adds to the value of this excellent publication.


Covers professional trainer how-tos. Chapters discuss physiological and functional changes associated with aging, ways to effectively communicate with older adults, the adaptation of exercise programs to age-related medical conditions, the physiological and psychological effects of common medications, assessment protocols, a variety of useful exercises with guidelines and ideas for necessary modifications, and suggestions on how to design and structure programs for individuals and groups.


...[A] complete overview of basic meet older adults' special fitness needs....contains many helpful tables [and] is introduced with an overview of tis contents....An extensive glossary adds to the value of this excellent publication.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Current Issues in Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Health or Iron Maidens

Current Issues in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health

Author: Jay Harcourt

Learn what resources are needed for lesser-recognized LGBT health issues
Most literature that explores LGBT health issues concentrates on HIV/AIDS while leaving research studies on other vital issues lacking. Current Issues in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health addresses this inadequacy by presenting a broad range of LGBT health issues from an interdisciplinary and mixed-method perspective. Leading experts present both quantitative and qualitative descriptions of health issues among various population groups, focusing on those topics poorly represented in present-day literature. This book is a strong start to fill in the blanks about unrealized health issues of LGBT individuals and offers insights into the resources needed to address them.
Methods to assess sexual orientation and gender identity are not normally found in most population-based research. Because of the diversity within the relatively small LGBT population, research has been forced to generalize, making it less likely to effectively contribute to quality health issue data for these individuals. The research presented in Current Issues in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health takes particular care to specify how the orientation and sexual identity of study participants was measured. This book carefully mines previously unrevealed health disparities among LGBT populations across a broad spectrum of diseases— beyond the standard focus on HIV/AIDS. The most current and important studies are presented, including rare research on transgender health issues. The chapters are extensively referenced, and several include figures and tables to clarify and enhance understanding of theinformation.
The wide range of topics in Current Issues in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health include:
the inclusion of sexual orientation questions in research studies
comparison of mental health issues between women of different sexual orientations
mental health issues among men of different sexual orientations and HIV status in Australia
the impact of sexual identity distress and social support in GLBT youth issues
transgender youth health issues
female-to-male (FTM) transexuals' experiences accessing health care
research on LBT domestic violence survivors
health needs of male-to-female (MTF) transgenders of color
Current Issues in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health is crucial, thought-provoking reading for researchers working in LGBT health, public health professionals working in community health and LGBT health, policymakers, advocates, public health and community health faculty, and students interested in LGBT health issues.

"A FINE ADDITION to our knowledge of LGBT youth and adults. The chapter by Dr. Case and her colleagues gives us a wonderful study that supports the addition of sexual orientation to the demographic questions within research studies. Dr. Koh and Dr. Ross's work exploring mental health issues by sexual orientation is also very important." — Suzanne L. Dibble, RN, DNSc, Professor and Co-Director, Lesbian Health Research Center, University of California at San Francisco

"IMPORTANT . . . . Researchers, health care providers, program administrators, and policymakers will all find valuable information in this book, which should be part of everyone's library." — Randall Sell, ScD, Assistant Professor of Clinical Sociomedical Sciences, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University

Table of Contents:

Current Issues in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Health: Introduction (Jay Harcourt)

Disclosure of Sexual Orientation and Behavior in the Nurses' Health Study II: Results from a Pilot Study (Patricia Case, S. Bryn Austin, David J. Hunter, Walter C. Willett, Susan Malspeis, JoAnn E. Manson, and Donna Spiegelman)

Mental Health Issues: A Comparison of Lesbian, Bisexual and Heterosexual Women (Audrey S. Koh and Leslie K. Ross)

Factors Associated with 'Feeling Suicidal': The Role of Sexual Identity (Jeanne Abelson, Sasho Lambevski, June Crawford, Michael Bartos, and Susan Kippax)

Sexual Identity Distress, Social Support, and the Health of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Youth (Eric R. Wright and Brea L. Perry)

Transgender Youth: Invisible and Vulnerable (Arnold H. Grossman and Anthony R. D'Augelli)

Slivers of the Journey: The Use of Photovoice and Storytelling to Examine Female to Male Transsexuals' Experience of Health Care Access (Wendy Hussey)

Understanding the Experiences of Lesbian, Bisexual, and Trans Survivors of Domestic Violence: A Qualitative Study (Danica R. Bornstein, Jake Fawcett, Marianne Sullivan, Kirsten D. Senturia, and Sharyne Shiu-Thornton)

Need for HIV/AIDS Education and Intervention for MTF Transgenders: Responding to the Challenge (Tooru Nemoto, Lydia A. Sausa, Don Operario, and JoAnne Keatley)



Reference Notes Included

New interesting textbook: Canning Preserving or The Every Day Cook Book

Iron Maidens: The Celebration of the Most Awesome Female Muscle in the World

Author: Kristin Kay

Kristin Kaye believed fate had delivered her to Broadway when, at age twenty-three and fresh from drama school, she was hired as the playwright and director of a one-night only extravaganza at the Roseland Ballroom in New York City. The show she'd been hired for? The Celebration of the Most Awesome Female Muscle in the World, a stage production featuring twenty-five of the world's most muscular women.

With the theories she'd learned in her Women's Studies classes still fresh in her mind, Kristin thought this was her chance to enter a whole new feminist arena, but in reality she was about to enter another world entirely. Her carefully orchestrated artistic interludes would be sandwiched between skits involving white lace thongs, smoke machines, and a bodybuilder spinning by her neck. Kristin tells the whole story in this hilarious book, alternating between an account of directing the show, which builds to the disastrous climax of opening night, and reportage on women's bodybuilding and the little-known sub-culture around it, including the use of steroids, the side business of strong women who wrestle men for money, and the judging controversy that threatens to split the sport in two.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Mental Health Consequences of Torture or Comfortably Numb

The Mental Health Consequences of Torture

Author: Ellen T Gerrity

In 1997 the National Institute of Mental Health assembled a working group of international experts to address the mental health consequences of torture and related violence and trauma; report on the status of scientific knowledge; and include research recommendations with implications for treatment, services, and policy development. This book, dedicated to those who experience the horrors of torture and those who work to end it, is based on that report.


Gerrity (National Institute of Mental Health), Keane (psychiatry, Boston U. School of Medicine) and Tuma (National Institute of Mental Health) present a review of the scientific evidence about the mental health consequences of torture and related violence and trauma. As a broadly focused review, the work addresses such topics as the short- and long-term psychological, neurobiological, social, economic, and disability-related consequences of such trauma: models for studying these consequences; treatment and rehabilitation for survivors; and models for delivering mental health services. Research information related to public policy, legal issues, and caregiving is included. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Interesting textbook: That Amazing Grace or Yoga Stretch For Fitness

Comfortably Numb: How Psychiatry Is Medicating a Nation

Author: Charles Barber

Public perceptions of mental health issues have changed dramatically over the last fifteen years, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the rampant overmedication of ordinary Americans. In 2006, 227 million antidepressant prescriptions were dispensed in the United States, more than any other class of medication; in that same year, the United States accounted for 66 percent of the global antidepressant market. In Comfortably Numb, Charles Barber provides a much-needed context for this disturbing phenomenon.

Barber explores the ways in which pharmaceutical companies first create the need for a drug and then rush to fill it, and he reveals that the increasing pressure Americans are under to medicate themselves (direct-to-consumer advertising, fewer nondrug therapeutic options, the promise of the quick fix, the blurring of distinction between mental illness and everyday problems). Most importantly, he convincingly argues that without an industry to promote them, non-pharmaceutical approaches that could have the potential to help millions are tragically overlooked by a nation that sees drugs as an instant cure for all emotional difficulties.

Here is an unprecedented account of the impact of psychiatric medications on American culture and on Americans themselves.

Kirkus Reviews

A sharply critical look at the way antidepressants are marketed and prescribed in the United States. While the mentally ill aren't receiving the treatment they need, Americans with ordinary life problems are being overmedicated, writes Barber (Psychiatry/Yale School of Medicine; Songs from the Black Chair: A Memoir of Mental Interiors, 2005). Though not a psychiatrist, he has a decade of professional experience working with mentally ill homeless people. He severely criticizes the pharmaceutical industry but places much of the blame on the medical profession, charging that at a time when the understanding of psychiatric drugs remains crude, doctors are too willing to prescribe the pills that patients request after seeing them advertised on television. The author divides the book into two parts. The first provides a capsule history of psychiatry in the United States and examines the shortcomings of the currently ascendant biological, or neuropsychiatric, approach. Barber attacks with shocking statistics (in 2006, 227 million antidepressant prescriptions were dispensed to Americans, up by 30 million from the 2002 levels) and punchy prose: "Psychiatry [is] jettisoning the impoverished mentally ill for the cash-carrying worried well." He reserves particular mockery for the American Psychiatric Association's diagnostic manual, citing its recent introduction of Motivational Deficiency Disorder as a nonsensical medicalization of laziness. Part Two advocates the use of an alternative, cognitive-behavioral therapy. The author spells out details of two related treatment approaches: the Stages of Change model, which recognizes that change is a dynamic process in which relapse is a realistic part of acontinuum; and Motivational Interviewing, in which the therapist uses a technique of empathetic listening that centers on the client's ambivalence about change. Barber articulately and persuasively counsels that it's time to abandon the quick-fix, pop-a-pill approach.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Aromatherapy 101 or Quick and Easy Low Carb Recipes

Aromatherapy 101

Author: Karen Downes

In this beautifully illustrated, alphabetically organized book, Karen Downes introduces you to the fascinating art and science of aromatherapy, which has been used since ancient times to enhance health and well-being.

Aromatherapy 101 empowers you to utilize the extensive medicine cabinet provided by Mother Nature. From "her" flowers, trees, bushes, and herbs, oil is extracted to create "aromas" to aid in the healing process. Our sences can be tantalized, our memories and emotions evoked, and our bodies seduced into relaxation by the power of the aromatic, volatile plant extracts known as essential oils.

Table of Contents:
Aromatheraphy—WHAT IS IT?1
DEVELOPING YOUR WISDOM: Knowing How to Choose Your Essential
• The Spirit
• The Body
• For Travel
• In the Home
• In Relationships
• At the Gym
• At the Office
• For Women
• For Men
• For Children
• Bose Oils
Bay Laurel
Black Pepper
Carrot Seed
Chamomile (German)
Chamomile (Roman)
Clary Sage
Tea Tree
Ylang Ylang

Interesting book: Hannahs Heirs or Bach Remedies and Flower Essences

Quick and Easy Low-Carb Recipes

Author: Joanna Whit

From Spicy Roasted Mushrooms and Broccoli Beef Salad to Shrimp Omelet and Gorgonzola Frittata; from Chicken and Pine Nuts to Maple Pork Medallions; from Mocha Mousse to Lemon Souffle -- you'll find more than 100 delicious and varied recipe options for healthy, low-carbohydrate meals in this book!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Understanding Depression or When Professionals Weep

Understanding Depression: What We Know and What You Can Do About It

Author: Raymond J Raymond DePaulo

From a leading medical expert at Johns Hopkins, here is an up-to-the-minute, definitive guide to whats known about depression and how it can be treated.

Around ten percent of North Americans suffer from depression at some point -- and more than half havent even sought help. Now, Dr. Raymond DePaulo, one of the worlds foremost authorities on depression, provides a sensitive, thorough, and reassuring book for sufferers from depression and those who care about them. This practical guide for individuals with depression and their families -- the only totally comprehensive book in the market -- shows readers how to identify the problem, then directs them to the various forms of treatment, including medications, psychotherapy, support groups, and exercise. It is one of the few books to discuss in depth manic depression, the bipolar form of depression. Dr. DePaulo discusses both mainstream (the latest medications and talk therapies) and alternative paths and reveals the truth about the dangerous fallacies that abound about depression. Comprehensive, compassionate, and grounded in the very latest research into brain chemistry, psychology, and medications, this is a definitive, landmark roadmap to one of the most devastating -- and common -- mental illnesses.

Kay Redfield Jamison

I have been privileged to work and teach with Dr. De Paulo at Johns Hopkins for the past fifteen years. He is, without doubt, one of the best clinicians and clinical teachers I have ever known. His understanding of depression is deeply grounded in science, and his treatment approach is characterized by compassion, pragmatism, subtlety, and an obvious affection and respect for the many thousands of patients he has so effectively treated. None of us has a choice about becoming depressed. We do, however, have a choice about becoming informed about our illnesses. Understanding Depression is the best place to begin the process of becoming informed.

Publishers Weekly

"No one system, organ, or other factor is responsible for depression not one steroid, not one gene, not one neurotransmitter, and not a lesion on one side of the brain or the other. What we seem to have is... a stew with lots of different and exotic ingredients." So explains DePaulo (How to Cope with Depression), psychiatry professor and director of the Affective Mental Disorders Clinic at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, in this thoughtful, exhaustive reference on depression for general readers. DePaulo covers all aspects of the illness what it feels like; who tends to have it (women are two or three times more likely to be diagnosed than men, not necessarily the same thing); the biology of depression; possible courses of therapy; and psychopharmacology. DePaulo also discusses bipolar disorder (manic depression), and he covers both mainstream and alternative treatments. He believes doctors should involve family and friends of the patient (which, though ideal, is probably impractical for doctors on most health-care plans), and explains how the children and other family members of those with depression are affected by the disease. The chapters on finding the right treatment and how doctors make diagnoses will be extremely useful for those suffering from the disease. Though some of the writing is a touch sloppy and clunky, readers will find this an invaluable resource. (Mar.) FYI: Dana Press is the publishing arm of the Dana Foundation, a 40-year-old organization that supports brain research. Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information.

New interesting textbook: The Control Room or The Occupation

When Professionals Weep: Emotional and Countertransference Responses in End-of-Life Care

Author: Rene Katz

End-of-life care (EOL) is a specialized area encompassing such disciplines as social work, counseling, hospice, physical medicine, geriatrics, nursing and psychology. This important volume reveals the secret struggles afflicting most EOL professionals:

  • Do we bring our ghosts to work?
  • Do we empathize or do we rescue?
  • Do we deny or manage the politics that influence our decision-making at the end of life?
  • Whose needs are we really meeting?
  • Can we admit to our own needs to be loved and well thought of?
  • Can we be both objective and human at the same time?

    The authors disclose their personal successes and failures with these issues. They also provide a framework for identifying, confronting, and managing the impact of personal histories, biases, and assumptions on work with the dying, bereaved and those living with life-limiting illness.

    Table of Contents:
    Ch. 1When our personal selves influence our professional work : an introduction to emotions and countertransference in end-of-life care3
    Ch. 2Suffering and the caring professional13
    Ch. 3Caregiving of the soul : spirituality at the end of life27
    Ch. 4The seduction of autonomy : countertransference and assisted suicide39
    Ch. 5Futility and beneficence : where ethics and countertransference intersect in end-of-life care55
    Ch. 6Client, clinician, and supervisor : the dance of parallel process at the end of life75
    Ch. 7The influence of culture and ethnicity on end-of-life care91
    Ch. 8Torture, execution, and abandonment : the hospitalized terminally ill and countertransference105
    Ch. 9Surviving the Holocaust only to face death again : working with survivors at the end of life121
    Ch. 10The horror and helplessness of violent death139
    Ch. 11Professionalism and our humanity : working with children at the end of life157
    Ch. 12When the face across the room reflects my own : on being a psychotherapist and a bereaved parent171
    Ch. 13Before and after my fiancee's death : beliefs about rational suicide and other end-of-life decisions189
    Ch. 14Complex bonds : a personal-professional narrative203
    Ch. 15The respectful death model : difficult conversations at the end of life221
    Ch. 16Emotional barriers to discussing advance directives : practical training solutions237
    Ch. 17A group intervention to process and examine countertransference near the end of life255
    Ch. 18The journey inside : examining countertransference and its implications for practice in end-of-life care269